posted by davidt on Thursday September 07 2006, @05:00PM
Rush To Danger writes:
Mozza's Review of the last concerts, another tour date and complaining about the record industry.
posted by davidt on Thursday September 07 2006, @10:00AM
Running a little late this year, the annual 'post your favorite albums from OTHER artists in the last year or so' poll. Past lists:
posted by davidt on Thursday September 07 2006, @10:00AM
sweetnesss writes:
You can read about it in the Momus livejournal.

posted by davidt on Thursday September 07 2006, @10:00AM
anonomoz writes:
[Note: Italicized text is in brackets throughout.]

[The king of miserable tests the bounds of samsara.]

Andrew Goodwin
posted by davidt on Thursday September 07 2006, @10:00AM
An anonymous person writes:
Here you can read the review of the Brussels show by Jérôme Delvaux.>
posted by davidt on Thursday September 07 2006, @10:00AM
Kevin Lloyd writes:
There is an exhibition of Stephen Wright's shots from the Queen is Dead, Strangeways and Oxford Roadshow shoots at Urbis Manchester. It includes a framed Morrissey shirt worn in the video for Boy with a thorn in his side.

The walls are adorned with the lovely quote 'never were a sweeter set of pictures taken.' from a postcard Morrissey sent to Stephen Wright at the time.

Admission is free.
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