posted by davidt on Wednesday April 26 2006, @02:00PM
Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Informative and interesting posts will be moderated up and highlighted. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.
posted by davidt on Wednesday April 26 2006, @11:00AM
Unloveable writes:
Danish association ANIMA2 for animal rights is auctioning an autographed Morrissey ROTT poster.

Though it´s in danish, the most relevant is the poster and the lyrics (handwritting) of Morrissey of "meat is murder"
And I just found out that it´s actually just a translation of a previous PETA interview with Morrissey that you can read here.

Well then it might not be the biggest news but the poster is cool.

Click to enlarge

Lars Löbner Jeppesen send the link to the auction on eBay:

eBay item 7613273709
posted by davidt on Wednesday April 26 2006, @11:00AM
Claudia writes:
I was pleasantly surprised to see a photo of the man himself in the May issue of Juxtapoz.

Dickie writes:
The Bootle Bruisers got a good snap of Morrissey as he entered the venue in Llandudno last week!

He stopped to chat for a few seconds and shook hands with half a dozen fans. He saw the new tour flag and laughed before saying to me “I’m not signing that because you will put it for sale on e-bay” ! (As if I would!). Anyway all our snaps from Llandudno are now on for anyone interested.

Click to enlarge

posted by davidt on Wednesday April 26 2006, @11:00AM
An anonymous person writes:
Excerpt from Kristeen Young's mailing list:

"We have been asked to re-join the MORRISSEY tour...Here are the dates:

May 1 LONDON - Alexandra Palace

May 3 SHEFFIELD - Sheffield City Hall

May 6 MANCHESTER - Apollo

May 8 MANCHESTER - Bridgewater Hall

All of these shows are sold out....but you may be able to find a
ticket on e-bay, I'm told.

oh.....and.... we're doing a show at The Knitting Factory (mainstage, NYC) on Wed., April 26 at 8pm
posted by davidt on Wednesday April 26 2006, @11:00AM
Roland writes:
The current issue of the German photography/style magazine ZOO features some nice Morrissey images - plus a full Morrissey cover page.

The pictures are made by photographer Bryan Adams.

It costs 5,- Euro here at the newsagent and is still available, it's a 6-page feature altogether.

Click to enlarge

More scans / info posted here:
posted by davidt on Wednesday April 26 2006, @11:00AM
Dan Backhaus writes:
#131 with 7,142 copies sold in the 3rd week of US release.
posted by davidt on Wednesday April 26 2006, @11:00AM
David T (different) writes:
"They Catch him, and they say he's mental"
The British Film Institute has just released a definitive collection of films from the 1950s' Free Cinema movement. Free Cinema was the precursor for the better known British New Wave of social-realist films in the late 1950s and early 1960s.

The set includes We Are the Lambeth Boys, which any true Morrissey fan will know was sampled in Vauxhall and I's "Spring Heeled Jim".

Amazon UK is selling it here
posted by davidt on Wednesday April 26 2006, @11:00AM
S J Banks writes:
One last question : is “Steven Smith” really a sort of tribute to Morrissey?

“Can you believe that you’re the first person to ask me that ? I’ve read many reviews that have flat out stated that it is, but nobody has bothered to ask me. My answer in short is : yes. They were right.”

The Organ (re)released my favourite album of last year with "Grab that gun". The influence of Morrissey is prevelant in the passionate vocals and emotional lyrics, whilst the ghosts of Johnny Marr and The Cure permeate the guitars.

Steven Smith and two other album tracks can be heard here:

Here is the full interview:

This Charming Band
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