posted by davidt on Wednesday December 07 2005, @10:00AM
Kevin Wilson writes:
Just saw this story today and thought it was important enough for a Morrissey SoLow entry. Don't hate me Morrissey if he is not really your friend. I'm just the messenger.

Is Morrissey mates with Kevin Gallen? - The Guardian, Dec. 7, 2005

"Is it true that Morrissey is mates with QPR striker Kevin Gallen?" asks Harry Bevill.
Incredibly, Harry, the Mancunian miserablist is an acquaintance of the Rangers forward. According to a recent article in the League Paper, Morrissey met Gallen in Los Angeles in June - he was recording new album Ringleader Of The Tormentors, while the striker was in the city on holiday. Subsequently the pair became "email friends"; Gallen even sent Morrissey a personalised kit with 'Mozalini 10' on the back, which can be seen here. "I've invited him to see a game when he's next back in England," said Gallen, himself the owner of Rangers' No10 shirt.

posted by davidt on Wednesday December 07 2005, @10:00AM
An anonymous person writes:
Just been on the Boz Boorer side project The OneThree's myspace site and found a new track posted, 'This Charming Fan' is a tribute to Boz's boss!!
posted by davidt on Wednesday December 07 2005, @10:00AM
Manchester Malformed writes:
Derek Ridgers is a long established English rock photographer. During the early Nineties Morrissey asked Ridgers if he could use his skinhead photos for backdrops & passes during the 'Your Arsenal' tour - and they were also used as the backdrop during the now infamous Finsbury Park 'Union jack' gig in '92.

Derek Ridgers currently has some of his original handprinted rock photos for sale on Ebay - including a photo (taken for NME) of MORRISSEY in 1984... in a cave! They are also signed by the photographer.

Original print of Morrissey - eBay item #7568602371

I've contacted Derek and he has more original photos of Morrissey/The Smiths, and which he may print in limited editions if there is enough interest from fans. Remember, these are original photos taken of Morrissey and directly printed from the original negatives! (And photographer signed)

Also, maybe if we asked nicely he will even print copies of the original skinhead photos! That would be so cool.

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