posted by davidt on Tuesday November 08 2005, @11:00AM
Mary-Kate writes:
New York gossip site lists this celeb sighting (Gawker Stalker, Nov. 7, 2005):

"Just had dinner at Daniel with some work friends, when I noticed an older and wiser Johnny Marr of the Smiths coming in as we were going out. I stopped to gawk because, well that is what you do, and as he went to his table, he shook his dining partners hand…it was a greying Morrissey. I was too stunned to get an autograph. Talk about a 1980s dream dinner."

I can't think for a minute this is true...
(davidt): I agree, I don't think it is true either. I believe the person who submitted this story to Gawker is the same anonymous person that submitted these two recent stories here:

Liam Gallagher has a poke at ole Mozz (Nov. 4)
Marr has heard the new album? (Nov. 3)

The Marr mention in NME has been proven to be false by site readers and I have not heard if the Liam Gallagher story is legitimate. The first submission about the Gawker story, a couple days before it appeared on Gawker itself, is submitted by the same ip address as the two above.

I'll watch out more carefully for hoaxes in the future especially stories submitted anonymously, but I appreciate any verification any of you can provide. The writing style of this hoax appears to have the same style as the user "Richard Martin", who hoaxed his own death a couple years ago.
posted by davidt on Tuesday November 08 2005, @11:00AM
Jake the Stripper writes:
Little did we know that this night would sire some legendary pics in Linder Sterling’s ‘Morrissey Shot,’ or a fat single cover, or even an encore with a shirtless five minute Hulmerist pose with tongue firmly out.

Here are some well-aged photos of the queue. Can you find the Keith Haring?

SUFFERING FOR THEIR ARTIST - The Aragon Ballroom, Chicago, November 8th, 1991

posted by davidt on Tuesday November 08 2005, @11:00AM
julyspawnedamonster writes:
This month's OUT magazine, an LA-based periodical aimed predominately at the male homosexual community, features Morrissey as this month's 'outFRONT ICON.'

The article includes no photos or news, but here's a transcript if you're interested.

Steven Patrick Morrissey (nicknamed Moz) remains on eof the most compelling and unfathomable performers in pop music today. His critically acclaimed and popularly embraced former band, the Smiths, still holds a permanent place among the most important British bands of the past quarter century. Morrissey's absolute refusal to characterize his sexual preferences- other than to have once insisted that he was celibate- has made him a controversial gay icon. This month Touchstone/Simon & Schuster will publish Mark Simpson's Saint Morrissey, which received considerable acclaim when it came out in the United Kingdom in 2003.

When he was 18, Morrissey was president of the New York Dolls fan club, and he wrote a fanzine biography of the group.

Another idol inspired Morrissey's book James Dean Is Not Dead: "Send me anything that Jimmy touched," he wrote in it.

He once stated, "I refuse to recognize the terms hetero, bi, and homosexual. Everybody has exactly the same sexual needs. People are just sexual; the prefix is immaterial." He also claimed, " I don't know anyone who is absolutely, exclusively heterosexual."

He has recently said, "I don't really care what people think [about my sexuality]- it makes no difference to me. And I'm not hiding anything." Like a number of other sexually amibiguous celibrities, it seems the more he talks about the issue, the gayer people think he is.

The Smiths, (above) broke up in 1987, ostensibly because guitarist Johnny Marr and Morrissey couldn't agree on what direction the band shoud take. Morrissey embarked on a highly successful solo career featuring frenzied concerts and huge-selling albums worldwide. In 1992 he sold out the Hollywood Bowl in just over 20 minutes, faster than the Beatles.

He lives in Los Angeles's Hollywood hills in a house reportedly designed by Clark Gable and which hosted, rumor has it, Greta Garbo.
posted by davidt on Tuesday November 08 2005, @11:00AM
july spawned a monster writes:
My friend Nick recently informed me that he and some fellow musicians in San Francisco have recently created a new Smiths tribute group, called This Charming Band.They will be playing their first-ever gig at PopScene's fifth annual 'Meat is Murder' night on Thanksgiving. I'll be there with a belly full of Tofurky and look forward to meeting any fellow Bay Area Moz-Solo members there!
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