posted by davidt on Wednesday June 08 2005, @09:00AM
Uncleskinny sends the text from the full-page article in NME (June 8):

Moz: “I’m not to blame for festival cancellation”
The star drops Isle Of Wight headline slot but insists it’s his record company’s fault

The cancellation of Morrissey’s appearance at the Nokia Isle Of Wight festival has thrown his entire career into confusion.
posted by davidt on Wednesday June 08 2005, @09:00AM
naomi writes:
Julie Burchill has one of her books being televised at the moment ('bad behaviour for young girls' or somesuch), and was interviewed in this morning's Metro. The full interview is here (60 Second Interview, The Metro) - but here's the relevant bit -

You e-mail Morrissey as well, don't you?
When I made the documentary Chavs, we had to get permission to put one of Morrissey's songs in it. I e-mailed his manager and Morrissey ended up e-mailing me back. We used to know each other years ago but fell out horribly when he paid me a visit I didn't want. It must have been 15 years ago and I'd just discovered The Smiths and it got back to EMI that I was writing this big think piece about The Smiths. This was during the period when Morrissey was in a phase of paying unannounced visits to people. He came to see me after I'd been up for three nights and it didn't go down the right way. I really admire him but within 20 minutes of meeting him we were fighting like a married couple in a sitcom and I ended up shoving him out of the door. It was years ago now, so it's water under the bridge. I still think he's a genius of course but you don't want a genius living next door to you, do you?
Amy R writes:
On Julie Burchills new teen drama on C4 last night, morrisseys version of "Thats Entertainment" could be heard in the main characters bedroom. I suggest other people keep watching for any more Moz songs!!!
posted by davidt on Wednesday June 08 2005, @09:00AM
Frances sends the link:

You Are the Quarry review - The Star Online
Artist: Morrissey
posted by davidt on Wednesday June 08 2005, @09:00AM
xbongo writes:
Danton Supple, who produced some Morrissey tracks (yes, he did), recently produced Coldplay's X&Y.

Here's an old video interview with Danton, he just has such a lovely soothing voice...
posted by davidt on Wednesday June 08 2005, @09:00AM
Roland writes:
Yesterday night Oasis played their new single Layla on the German late night show TV Total, and the song ended with the Rubber Ring outro "You are sleeping/you do not want to believe/you are sleeping"!

Despite that their appearance was embarrassing, it's hard to say whether their looks or their singing was worse.
posted by davidt on Wednesday June 08 2005, @09:00AM
An anonymous person writes:
Spotted this nice Smiths reference while reading up on !!!'s latest single, "Take Ecstacy With Me" (which is excellent, by the way). (link)

It's a photo of the !!! boys outside the Salford Lad's Club, imitating the iconic Steve Wright photo from The Queen is Dead sleeve.
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