posted by davidt on Thursday May 05 2005, @09:00AM
Kenan writes:

Morrissey has been shortlisted for the "inspiration" category:

Mojo shortlists Weller and Bowie - BBC News

Music stars David Bowie, Paul Weller and Morrissey have made it on to the shortlist for the second annual Mojo magazine awards.
posted by davidt on Thursday May 05 2005, @09:00AM
Frances sends the link:

Classy reunions - Boston Phoenix

The New York Dolls and Gang of Four return to rock


"I know Morrissey was the president of the Dolls’ fan club," Johansen recalls in a voice that bleeds Noo Yawk City, "so we talk to each other like friends. And he’s saying he’d be so delighted if we’d do this. And I said, ‘Morrissey, would you get back together with Johnny Marr and the Smiths?’ And he said, ‘No.’ So, I said, ‘Why are you asking me to do this?’ But I acquiesced because I was going through this thing where I had decided that I dismissed things out of hand too easily. And I had to stop dismissing things because I wasn’t allowing myself to have certain experiences. That was very much on my mind after he called. I said," — with a deep laugh, he goes into what sounds like a practiced routine — " ‘Listen, self: didn’t you say that you were going to stop dismissing things out of hand?’ So I didn’t just dismiss the idea."
posted by davidt on Thursday May 05 2005, @09:00AM
Amy R writes:

In this months Q magazine, the former support band from last year's tour moan that Morrissey didn't even say "Hello" to them. Do they know Moz but at all?
posted by davidt on Thursday May 05 2005, @09:00AM
lg writes:

The Dears: Big mouth strikes again
Belfast Telegraph Tue, 03 May 2005

Excerpts -

"People say: 'Oh, they sound like The Smiths or a Britpop throwback,'" Lightburn says, "but for me it's 'not really' and 'definitely not'. There is only one Smiths, but there is also only one Dears. If you look at the entirety of what we do, no other band sounds anything like us.

"This Australian newspaper misquoted me, too. They said I claimed The Smiths were better than The Beatles, but what I actually said was that The Smiths meant more to me personally than The Beatles ever could. When we supported Morrissey and I realised that we were in the same room, you have no idea how much I was bawling. It meant so much to me that he acknowledged our existence and gave a small stamp of approval."


Having met Morrissey, he's presumably like to meet The Smiths' guitarist Johnny Marr, too? "Absolutely," he says. "A Manchester-based journalist told me that Johnny is digging The Dears, so I was hoping he might show up at one of our gigs. If I ever get to meet him, I'll give him a guitar ask him how to play the intro to "Girl Afraid". It's the one Smiths guitar part that has always stumped me."
posted by davidt on Thursday May 05 2005, @09:00AM
Benni Dangerous writes:

Art Brut (London band famous for Formed A Band) released their third single, "Emily Kane", on Monday (2nd May) and on it is the B-Side "About Time".

The opening line "There was a time when I couldn't stomach Morrissey" and goes on to "I hope this doesn't cause offence, but I think its time you forgave your parents, I've nothing to say in their defence, but I think its time you forgave your parents."

A really touching song, nearly brought a tear to my eye.

Check it out, its nice
posted by davidt on Thursday May 05 2005, @09:00AM
and2rew writes:

Alexandra Bastedo (her from the "Rank" cover) is appearing in a Jeffrey Archer play on tour "Beyond Reasonable Doubt" which hits Eastbourne soon. I think I will ask her to sign a few discs. If anyone is interested in getting a signed copy get in touch.
posted by davidt on Thursday May 05 2005, @09:00AM
Morrissey-solo will be down most of this weekend as two moves are planned - a move of the main site's code (slashcode) to an updated codebase and move to a new server. If things go smoothly then the site will be up again by Monday.

I'll post an update when the move is complete.
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