posted by davidt on Friday January 07 2005, @08:00AM
Gavin writes:

It seems that Morrissey came along to the Irish premiere of Alexander in Dublin last night.

Irish Alexander premiere attracts thousands -

I don't know why he was there - any ideas?

Belligerent Ghoul sends another link:

Thousands welcome Alexander star to hometown premier - Corks 96fm
posted by davidt on Friday January 07 2005, @08:00AM
Stefan Krix writes:

The comeback of Morrissey has it's echo also here in Germany. In the 2004 polls of the German edition of the Rolling Stone magazine (which put him on the cover in May), Morrissey gets the following positions, elected by the readers (otherwise indicated):

Best album:
#6 - You Are The Quarry

Best album (staffs' choice):
#2 - You Are The Quarry

Best single:
#5 - Irish Blood, English Heart
#6 - First Of The Gang To Die

and the best result is:

Best solo artist:
#1 - Morrissey
posted by davidt on Friday January 07 2005, @08:00AM
King Abbey writes:

John Moore (Jesus & Mary Chain, Revolution 9, Black Box Recorder, John Moore and the Expressway) has attacked Morrissey on his own messageboard at-

I quote-"there is something amusing about seeing the once Charming man, now with a face like a sack of marshmallows, at heart attack age, cavorting on a stage borrowed from the Elvis 68 Comeback Special and probably wearing some kind of girdle or corset".

Get down to that messageboard and tell him whats what!!!
posted by davidt on Friday January 07 2005, @08:00AM
John M. writes:

Lascivious Biddies, an all-female jazz-type group from NYC have covered Ask, and it's on their latest release. You can hear a sample here:

It's quite good!
posted by davidt on Friday January 07 2005, @08:00AM
ill uncle writes:

US young photo realist Ryan MacGinley wears THE SMITHS T-shirts. However I haven't never seen this design.

Click to enlarge

His official site and more.
posted by davidt on Friday January 07 2005, @08:00AM
Mickey Flynn writes:

Two Smiths/Morrissey references:

#1. Director Clara Diesen is putting up a "multi media performance" named after the Morrissey song "Now my heart is full", 9 jan 2005 at "Teater: moment", Stockholm, Sweden.

#2. Swedish band Starlet make another Morrissey/Smiths reference. This time it is a paraphrase of a line from the song "Handsome Devil": "...Let me get my hands/on your mammary glands..."

The reference take place in the continuous "favourite section" on the website, while speaking of the "cuddling hormon" oxytocin.

Obviously, oxytocin is produced in the pituitary glands, so the paraphrase simply is "So let me get my hands on those pituitary glands"...
posted by davidt on Friday January 07 2005, @08:00AM
An anonymous person writes:

Today in the United States is national smith day I thought it would useful for some of us to know

Hey, Smiths: Your day has come - Seattle Times
Today's News | January 8 | January 6  >

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