posted by davidt on Saturday July 17 2004, @08:00PM
Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Informative and interesting posts will be moderated up and highlighted. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.
posted by davidt on Saturday July 17 2004, @11:00AM
An anonymous person writes:

Just finished watching TOTP (for my sins) and they ran a trailer for next week's edition - and Moz is scheduled to be on performing First of the Gang To Die. So set your vids for 7.30pm on 23rd July.
Madge writes:

I've just been watching Top of the Pops and they announced that Morrissey will be live in the studio in next week's programme (Fri 23rd July BBC1 7.30pm, and usually repeated in the wee small hours of the following Sunday but my Radio Times doesn't stretch that far).

Also, there's a second part to the Move coverage over the weekend. (The first, as someone has already posted, is on ITV 1.05am-2.10am Saturday 17th) The second is early Sunday morning, ITV again, 12.20am to 1.20am. There are repeats (at least I presume they're repeats) on Monday and Tuesday nights on ITV2.

Anybody see the FOTGTD video on CD:UK Hotshots? It was a slightly edited version of the MEN montage vid. Looked fantastic on a full size TV after squinting at my monitor. There was also a 'tickertape' of text superimposed on it, asserting that after causing 'outrage' with his anti-presidential remarks, Moz was 'hoping to smooth things over' with his concert in Chicago. Strangely, though, they forgot to cite their journalistic sources for this one.
posted by davidt on Saturday July 17 2004, @11:00AM
Belligerent Ghoul sends the link:

Morrissey is a knockout by Kevin Marrinan - Manchester Online

A FRENCH music fan travelled hundreds of miles to see Morrissey play live in Manchester - only to be knocked unconscious the moment he walked on stage.
posted by davidt on Saturday July 17 2004, @11:00AM
An anonymous person writes:

I got the latest edition of MOJO today and there is a double-page spread reviewing Meltdown by Keith Cameron. Photos of the Dolls, Sparks, Nancy looking a bit 'death mask' (but, hey, not bad for 64), and of course Moz...making a pistol sign with his figures, and accompanied by the caption: "Morrissey acts out his favourite Mike Joyce fantasy".

I am a bit concerned to read Moz was making rude hand gestures at members of the audience who had spotted him up in his box. I kept casting surreptitious gazes up at him, and I can't say I noticed any obscene finger gestures. I was trying to do it subtly, but unfortunately discretion isn't my forte. I really hope he wasn't giving me the finger at any point - I did try my hardest not to gawp, because it is terribly rude and I hate people staring at me, but he's gotta know how difficult it is not to gaze upon him!

I got overexcited when they shifted the spotlight to Moz's box when Nancy was thanking him and started waving furiously. I immediately felt like a right tit.

Anyway, enough wibbling. Here is the transcript. I have nothing better to do.
posted by davidt on Saturday July 17 2004, @11:00AM
Designer Magazine writes:


Designer Magazine has full coverage of this years MOVE FESTIVAL 2004 including headliners Madness, The Cure, Stereophonics and Morrissey and full supporting acts.

As well as full live reviews of each day we also have extensive photo galleries on the site of all bands that played the festival. For you one stop Move Festival resource check out the link below.


I hope you enjoy the reviews and photos and if you were at Move Festival please remember to post your own review on the Designer Magazine Message Board
posted by davidt on Saturday July 17 2004, @11:00AM
An anonymous person writes:

Link to pics and review at from this year's Roskilde Festival (Morrissey's at the bottom of the page).
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