posted by davidt on Sunday July 11 2004, @02:30PM
Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Informative and interesting posts will be moderated up and highlighted. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.
posted by davidt on Sunday July 11 2004, @08:00AM
Stan writes:

Morrissey appeared live on this morning's T4 (Channel 4's hip and sassy Sunday morning schedule) to promote First Of The Gang.

He was introduced by a gushing June Sarpong and mimed the track on a stylish set made good by imaginative lighting. He looked very well but typically uncomfortable in the TV studio setting. However, after a couple of minutes he got into his stride and danced.

At the end of the show, Sarpong signed off by saying 'and remember to buy Morrissey's single, it's out tomorrow'.

The show is recorded in London so he'd be travelling to Manchester this afternoon for Move.

Pretty good coverage and because it looked good, sure to be a web download favourite.

moby also writes:

Morrissey appeared on T4 (channel 4) in the UK at 2.01pm, singing (miming) in a studio "First Of The Gang To Die", just before big brothers little brother (Sunday lunchtime big brother magazine show, gets over a million viewers as it's only on terrestrial tv). Lil Barry was in for Alain again. Good applause at the end which was cut off abruptly.

Boz did say in his diary that "we may be doing some tv over the weekend", just wish he could have been more specific, I only caught the last minute and a half. Moz looked great, the miming was only obvious right at the end for the high notes.

Here is a link to a little feature (where they say they were playing the video today, no mention of a live tv appearance), and a competition to win litited edition albums (probably the vinyl) and cd singles.
posted by davidt on Sunday July 11 2004, @08:00AM
Saw this link posted on the general board:

Winner of the Morrissey eCard Competition!!!

July 9, 2004 After much deliberation, the expert panel of judges - including Morrissey himself - has selected the winning entry for the Morrissey eCard Competition. We'd like to extend a huge thanks to everyone who entered the contest. We considered many fantastic entries in a wide variety of formats, but ultimately, the winning eCard best met our criteria. Congratulations to Michael and Monika Roe, the winners of a framed, autographed Morrissey poster!

View the winning eCard.

Please stay tuned for more competitions on
posted by davidt on Sunday July 11 2004, @08:00AM
François writes:

"Where are the fans ? 60 days with the gangs crazy about Morrissey" The french magazine TECHNIKART (July issue n°84) gives a 6 pages article about Morrissey fans and called "pour l'amour du Moz". From chicanos gangs to the great Manchester show, it's different mini-stories of fans (through fanzines, writers, merchandising...)

This article also mentions "morrissey-solo" as the best site and words from David Tseng (David, did you answer this interview?

Here is the link but the site hasn't been updated yet:

(davidt): Yes, I met the journalist in Manchester before the M.E.N. concert and answered some questions shortly afterwards via email.
posted by davidt on Sunday July 11 2004, @08:00AM
Anonymous writes:

'I'm the captain': Melissa Auf der Maur is creating her own world now - The State


"I've never released anything before, so no one had any real reason to assume what I'm about. I did some collaborating on “Celebrity Skin,” which was Hole's masterpiece pop album. I contributed some vocals and some melodic ideas. But I'm a heavy rocker before anything. When I was describing the sound of the record to people, I said I wanted to celebrate my love of the Smiths as much as my love of Kyuss."
posted by davidt on Sunday July 11 2004, @08:00AM
Missing Link writes:

The above long-running BBC Radio 4 comedy show was on tonight it came from Salford!. I was listening carefully during the intro as the host Humphrey Lyttelton gave his usual comedic intro to the location, but I was disappointed not to hear a mention of Manchester's most famous son... however, I was not to be disappointed for long!.

During the show they play a game called "pick-up song" where one of the players have to sing along to a song. Just as they get started it fades out and they have to sing solo until the song returns. Some odd prize is usually offered for managing to sing in tune, in time, and then finally connect precisely with the song as it resumes!.

This week's teams consisted of:
Graeme Garden and Barry Crier
Tim Brooke-Taylor and Jeremy Hardy

Jeremy Hardy got to sing "Heaven Knows I' Miserable Now", with raptuous applause and laughter from the audience as he tried to hit the high notes!. Some funny comments also came from former "Goodie" Tim Brooke-Taylor.

This is a truly British institution, described as "the antidote to panel games" and the show can be heard here and there's a general site dedicated to the show here.

The show has been running on the radio since 1972.
posted by davidt on Sunday July 11 2004, @08:00AM
An anonymous person writes:

If you head over the, there's something funny. well, it's kind of funny.
posted by davidt on Sunday July 11 2004, @08:00AM
[site sponsor]:

scenester writes:

Come check out two Morrissey-influenced bands on the same night in LA at the Gig on Melrose. Coulter (Seattle) and Girls in a Coma (San Antonio) will be making their only LA stop on their summer tour on July 13th (Tuesday). Come early as the show starts at 8:30. A discount flier for the show can be found at Hope to see you there!
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