YourInvalidFriend writes:
Morrissey comments spark Bush fire - Manchester Online
The follow up on the Moz death for Bush remark.
Its also on Drudgereport under the heading
"UPDATE: Morrissey comments spark Bush fire..."
Record numbers of internet users in America contacted our website to complain about the 45-year-old singer's comments.
However, there were also some messages of support for Morrissey.
The story has been viewed nearly 500,000 times in just 24 hours.
ManchesterOnline editor Sarah Hartley, said: "We have never had such a response to a single item before.
"It says a lot about news in the 21st century that something said in Ireland and reported in Manchester is now big news in Washington."
Update: 06/10 20:56 GMT: An anonymous person writes:
The Bush comment story has now been picked up by major US media and is appearing on the front page of the MSNBC website (under the Entertainment section).
The coming days should now signal whether this may have professional repurcussions in the US. Judging by the comments on this board, it may be a hot button issue, the kind that gets CD's pulled from the shelves of Wal-Mart. Then again, it just may be taking as an errant comment from an eccentric Englishman.
An anonymous person writes:
The Associated Press has picked up the story of last weekend's Morrissey gig and the infamous Reagan / Bush "Wish he'd died instead" line. For a while the story was a featured headline on Yahoo, which means it will get significant play in this country.
Link to AP story