posted by davidt on Thursday October 30 2003, @09:00AM
Jennifer Koskie (Houston, TX) writes:

I carved this today, and although I'm not happy with how it looks I still think Mr. Morrissey's face came out very nice. Heh.

Click to enlarge

posted by davidt on Thursday October 30 2003, @09:00AM
M. Quentin writes:

Boz's official site is now to be found at Please change your bookmarks and make sure to visit us every now and again for news. The reason for being offline for so long was technical and had nothing to do with whatever's going on with Morrissey.
posted by davidt on Thursday October 30 2003, @09:00AM
An anonymous person writes:

The G2 section of today's Guardian has a one-page article about the Sanctuary label. Includes a quick mention (and nice photo) of Morrissey but otherwise is mainly about how well the label is doing compared to the rest of the music industry.

Available on-line:
'They put out records the way you want them put out' - The Guardian, Oct. 30, 2003

Dorian Lynskey on Sanctuary, the label that breaks all the rules - and makes all the money
posted by davidt on Thursday October 30 2003, @09:00AM
An anonymous person writes:

NPR's FRESH AIR has a nice long discussion with Joe Pernice about his new novel "Meat is Murder." A few clips from the album as well. Always strange when I hear Morrissey mentioned at length on American radio.
Copeland also writes:

A major media coup for Morrissey: a new Joe Pernice novel about the Smiths' album "Meat is Murder" was discussed on the National Public Radio show "Fresh Air," hosted by Terry Gross (Oct. 29). NPR is not known for highlighting pop culture. Their specialty is international news and classical music. NPR's audience is primarily white, educated and wealthy, and this shows once again that Morrissey has transcended traditional rock social barriers. By being discussed in a 25-minute interview on NPR, Morrissey has possibly tapped into a new audience that may otherwise have never heard of him.

About the show: Joe Pernice leads the band "Pernice Brothers," and his novel, entitled "Meat is Murder," is a sort of autobiography about the powerful way that the Smiths' album affected him in the 1980s. Be warned: he refers to the Smiths as a "faggoty British band," and describes Morrissey's sexuality as simply "gay." We all know better, but apparently he doesn't. Nonetheless, he describes "Headmaster Ritual" as the best pop song of the 1980s, and then Gross proceeds to play it! Several other songs from "Meat is Murder" are sampled on the show.
posted by davidt on Thursday October 30 2003, @09:00AM
Mark sends the press release:

The first chapter from Mark Simpson's 'psycho-bio' of the real 'saint of the gutters' will be serialised in this weekend's TALK OF THE TOWN magazine supplement with (UK national newspaper) the INDEPENDENT ON SUNDAY (2/11/03).

Twenty years on from the release of 'This Charming Man', the song that ruined his life, Simpson tells in this extract the story of how he and a whole generation of vulnerable teenagers in the early 1980s were abducted by Morrissey's genius.

And why he wouldn't have it any other way.

SAINT MORRISSEY is published in a rather lovely large-format hardback by SAF on 10 November at £16.99
posted by davidt on Thursday October 30 2003, @09:00AM
Torr Leonard writes:

New Johhny Marr interview at
Most of it is boring muso stuff, but there is some info at the end about the next Healers album.

Johnny Marr Speaks! -

SpringHeeled Jim AZ writes:

Moz & Merv XMas Duet -- Kilborn's new campaign
On The Late Late Show last night with Craig Kilborn, Kilborn made his latest public courting of Morrissey to appear on his show. His gimmick this time was to get Moz to appear with 70's talk/variety show and modern game show creator Merv Griffin. He suggested they do a duet for the holidays; an updated version of Little Drummer Boy, ala Bowie/Crosby from Bing Crosby's old Christmas special from the mid 70's. Seems like Morrissey wouldn't want to do something his old hero had already done, but it will be fun watching Kilborn do skits about it in the coming months.

Cabinsin writes:

Last night on the Craig Kilborn show an interesting thing happened. As you know, Craig Kilborn is a huge fan of Morrissey's and has had him on the show to perform before. Craig is friends with Merv Griffei which is a big time "producer" of many various things. Craig Kilborn showed a picture of Morrissey and then Merv Griffin and said he wants to try to get the two on the show to sing a duet. He mentioned Merv Griffin has a beautiful singing voice. He told his producer to set it up. He said that Merv should not be a problem but Morrissey was a wild card.
astol writes:

Late Night On Downing Street
Newsnight (a late night political discussion show on BBC 2) last night paid homage to Iain Duncan Smith the former leader of the opposition who was dramatically sacked last night. The homage consisted of playing a montage of Mr Smiths finest moments backed with a smiths soundtrack which started with "Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I want" followed by "How Soon Is Now?" and finishing with "Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me".

Martin also writes:

Was watching "Newsnight" yesterday on the BBC, and it was understandably concentrating on Ian Duncan Smith's forced resignation as leader of the UK's main opposition party, the Conservatives. To conclude the program, they had a picture montage of his political career, with pleasing Smiths musical backdrop, playing clips from "How Soon Is Now?", "Please, Please Please, Let Me Get What I Want", "Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me" and "Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now". Don't know if IDS is a Smiths/Moz fan, but there was a very funny shot of him playing football!
An anonymous person writes:

"Glamorous Glue" on MTV's MADE
The episode was about a girl who wanted to become homecoming queen but was kind of an outsider and lacked self-confidence. At one point "Glamorous Glue" was playing in the background. I found this mildy interesting/suprising because I didn't think MTV in the US really cared about Morrissey or even considered his existence anymore.
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