June 7- "The Importance of Being Morrissey" previews (10 total) - to air Sunday 11:15pm, Channel 4 (62)
- The Motivators - Alain Whyte's new band in studio, UK gigs (June 13, July 1) (30)
- JK Rowling - Moz is greatest inspiration (the Daily Mirror, June 7, 2003) (12)
- "Misfit Morrissey finds new niche by signing with reggae label" by Jeevan Vasagar (The Guardian, Jun (4)
- "Under The Influence" contest at PassionsJustLikeMine.com (0)
June 5- Sanctuary confirms Morrissey signing, official press release (237)
- Hans Rønningen, Norwegian actor plays the role of Morrissey in new Norwegian drama (6)
- Spearmint suggests "a minor Smiths revolt" (14)
- Morrissey documentary mentioned in Belgian Metro-magazine (7)
- The Smiths (1983 perfomance) on Old Grey Whistle Test - tonight, BBC 2 (4)
June 3- "Strange Ways Indeed" by Sean Smith (The Big Issue June 2-8 2003) (34)
- NME Smiths special supplement - this week (June 7 issue) (35)
- The Scotsman reviews "Under the Influence" (2)
- "Manchester - Cultural Chernobyl" by Steven Wells (23)
- "Well I Wonder..." by Auguste Meyrat - Smiths based comic online (50)