posted by davidt on Tuesday April 22 2003, @08:00AM
Chris writes:

According to the Chicago Sun-Times (4/20/03), Nancy Sinatra is releasing a new album with a "new" Morrissey song:

Throughout her career, Sinatra has retained a contemporary appreciation society. Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth is a fan. "And Morrissey gave me a new song," Sinatra said.

Frankly speaking, Nancy Sinatra makes the most of her name - Chicago Sun-Times, Apr. 20, 2003
posted by davidt on Tuesday April 22 2003, @08:00AM
Wolfie writes:

Thursday Express and star, Wolverhampton report:In the paper it mentions the "coup" of getting Alice Cooper to play the Civic Hall Wolverhampton (Where Moz played his first solo show) after a £6 million refurbishment, after a brief history it ends "bosses at the civic have even turned down such luminaries as Smiths frontman Morrissey because of the success of weekend party nights cheeky monkey and Blast Off".

A very poor indie disco with the reliable indie 1993 album / britpop being played. Just thought id let you know, as I was disgusted, lets contact them, let our voices be heard.
posted by davidt on Tuesday April 22 2003, @08:00AM
An anonymous person writes:

Last night (Apr. 19) in Athens, GA, Kindercore Records duo I AM THE WORLD TRADE CENTER covered Morrissey's "Suedehead" at the Forty Watt club. Needless to say, the crowd went wild.
posted by davidt on Tuesday April 22 2003, @08:00AM
Pintpot writes:

Mid West Punk American band the Lawrence Arms video includes a very brief appearance of Morrissey.

The video for "Porno & Snuff Films" has the band fantasying about their individual ideas. One band member dressed as a college freshman is in his room and the camera pans about to reveal an 80's Moz complete with glasses in a poster on the wall. The guy's attention is then taken with a girl in school uniform who enters the room and the rest is censored.
posted by davidt on Tuesday April 22 2003, @08:00AM
Henrique writes:

This month's GQ (with Keanu on the cover) has a tiny picture of Morrissey on the calendar section, page 48. The note on May 22 states: "Morrissey is 44 today. Do you think he got laid yet?"
posted by davidt on Tuesday April 22 2003, @08:00AM
ProtestSinger writes:

This is probably not very interesting to most people, but I was watching MuchMoreMusic today (a Canadian music TV station) and they were doing a countdown of the 10 most loveable freaks and geeks. Our Moz came in at #6. Other's on the list were Weird Al, Cyndi Lauper, and David Bowie (Prince made it to #1 in case anyone is interested). I only caught the very end where they reviewed the last 9, and so I don't know what they said about him!
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