posted by davidt on Thursday April 17 2003, @01:15PM
charmer writes:

Thought this might be of interest....

I was looking at Amazon (UK) yesterday and stumbled across the pre-order page for Morrissey: Under The Influence. The page includes the tracklisting (which has already been covered I think) along with a picture of the album cover:

Morrissey: Under The Influence page at

Only a month and a bit to wait now!

Click to enlarge

posted by davidt on Thursday April 17 2003, @09:00AM
An anonymous person writes:

This is NOT a story but I would be interested in hearing peoples opinions on this...

Rumours abound that Moz has signed, will sign or has not signed to almost every label in the world...yet for months now nothing concrete has been heard. Now, at the risk of sounding like the editor of A Chance to Shine and heaven knows nobody wants to sound like that loafing oaf...I have heard it through the grapevine that a new Moz album may NEVER happen.

While this is merely hearsay (heresy?) at the moment it does seem to me that if a new album was going to arrive it would have done so long before now...I heard demos of "Irish Blood..." over 18 months ago. With the English press back on side, a fantastically well received tour and a renewed interest in Moz/The Smiths from all the young dudes (The Strokes, The Thrills, The Vines, The Libertines, Interpol) the time was right.

So, why no new album...GREED. I honestly believe that deals have been offered and turned down because they don't offer an already wealthy man enough money. Is it just me or does anybody else find that sad?

I love Moz, I hope I am wrong but hand on sickened heart I don't think I am.
posted by davidt on Thursday April 17 2003, @09:00AM
Dagenham Don writes:

I just spoke to a rep from Reprise records who claims that Morrissey was spotted at a Disturbed show in L.A. "headbanging and singing along" near the soundboard. Do you think this is true? I would like to think so, since I'm a Disturbed fan as well.
shoplifterromo also writes:

Well, so much for the horrible-state-of-American-music talk we've recently heard from Morrissey. Not ONLY did Moz attend last night's (April 15)Disturbed concert in Los Angeles, but he ALSO asked to go backstage to MEET the band. My God, the world really IS ending afterall. Pete Yorn, Eminem, Weezer, heck, even a Justin Timberlake show would be worth it for the laughs, but WHY Disturbed Morrissey? Please, tell us that you were "dared" to go there by a close friend or something! Tell us it was a mistake. Convince me NOT to surgically "repair" my "Moz" tattoo because I am "truly disappointed" to hear this "horrible" news. Please tell us it was all a sick joke!
posted by davidt on Thursday April 17 2003, @09:00AM
Smiths writes:

On The Quails second album, called Atmosphere, (Quails being a somewhat notable 3 piece punk/art band from San Fran) during the fourth track titled "Soon the rest will fall", I heard the following familiar line:

"You thought to be a Protest singer
You needed an acoustic guitar
I could laugh about it now
but at the time it was terrible."

Oddly enough, on the lyric sheet included with the alblum, these lines are left out, despite it being cleary sung.

I'll leave up to you to decide if they are quoting as a form of flattery or if they're just a bunch of hacks.
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