April 7- "Don't hang the DJ" (The Guardian) - article on Morrissey's upcoming mix compilation (24)
- Subjects sought for Morrissey Fan Documentary (8)
- Boz Boorer gigs in April / May (16)
- Roy's Keen" TOTP video clip online (4)
- Kevin Cummins pix at Proud Galleries site (1)
- 'How Soon is Now' # 18 in Mojo's '100 Singles You Must Own" (5)
- Jeff Buckley mentions Morrissey at early gig (1994) (5)
- Manchester Morrissey & Smiths disco (Apr. 11) (1)
- Smiths Night Directory (0)
March 31- Bang article/image scan (30)
- Johnny Marr criticizes WEA's handling of The Smiths back catalogue (18)
- Madonna strums to The Smiths (72)
- Story of a returned book by A Bullied Child (34)
- Bay area screening of "My Life With Morrissey" (Apr. 11) (3)
- 7th annual Smiths/Morrissey Convention Weekend (Hollywood, Apr. 12, 13) (20)