posted by
on Thursday February 06 2003, @10:00AM
ojon1 writes: Is there really any truth to this rumor? somebody at Goldenvoice is saying that there is a high possibility that he will headline with Radiohead.
Does anybody know something we dont? please, please make it true, does Mozz know about this? if not can somebody forward this as a formal request? is he free on Saturday April 26? seeya there.
posted by
on Thursday February 06 2003, @10:00AM
Acton writes: According to Monday's (03/02/2003) issue of Edinburgh's 'The Metro' newspaper, Morrissey may be owed money. The issue reads as follows:
'5,000 performers have yet to claim millions of pounds in royalties from radio and TV airplay. The sum is now so large that music firm Phonographic Performance Ltd, which collects and distributes royalty checks to artists, has launched a website to encourage those eligible to apply. Among those listed are opera star Luciano Pavarotti, former Smiths frontman Morrissey, Dead Or Alive singer Pete Burns ...'.
posted by
on Thursday February 06 2003, @10:00AM
Dagenham Dave writes: This story has been done before but here it is from the Chicago Tribune:
Johnny Marr's genius undiluted by Greg Kot, Jan. 23. Excerpt:
"Even though I was very young, the decision to quit the Smiths was not impulsive," Marr says. "Because I had absolutely no idea what I was gonna do when I left, I had to consider the worst-case scenario, which was returning to obscurity. That was preferable to the situation I was in, so I have no regrets.
"If it's all about drinking from the fountain of youth and fame, you'll be a pretty poor musician. I just followed the music. The Smiths had a great run, but there were other things I wanted to do, and I found that in my hometown there was a revolution about to start in information, culture and music technology, and I didn't want to stay in the old boys club the rest of my life. I wanted to feel like a 23-year-old music fan."
posted by
on Thursday February 06 2003, @10:00AM
An anonymous person writes: Indie Kids - Your Homework
A BBC website which has a little guide for parents as to what their kids are like.
It amused me a little when they listed Morrissey-solo as a necessary site for Indie Kids parents to visit to do their homework on their sons or/and daughters.
Also on the 'Where To Find Them' section it says:
"Shuffling their feet down the 'indie' disco. Yes, the spirit of The Smiths lives on"
Not to be taken seriously. It IS a a bit of fun and sticking to stereotypes.
posted by
on Thursday February 06 2003, @10:00AM
I thought this has already been posted but I can't find it in the archives. BlueGirl writes: This is merely an anecdote, not news. I found this Q&A snippet in the February issue of Uncut, attached to a glowing review of Richard Hawley's new album, 'Low Edges'. (His 'Late Night Final' was lovely and spent plenty of time in my CD player, btw.)
Q: Does the audition for Morrissey seem a lifetime ago?
A: Well, he was just starting out solo and he'd heard me in [Hawley's previous band] Treebound Story and liked my playing. So I went for the audition and there was me and Maurice Deebank of Felt-amazing guitarist. But Morrissey already had the main band and I think he just got us in to push them over the edge. I played a load of Elvis, then sang "One Night" and he said, "Why the hell are you singing?" That was that!
posted by
on Thursday February 06 2003, @10:00AM
An anonymous person writes: Hi, Just to let all you good, good people know that there is an article in this weeks friends of the heroes on the greatness of The Smiths, and their influence on the artists of today. It's by the same person who wrote 'a moz odyssey' for the same website I think, and is very pro-moz!
What Made The Smiths Great by Paul Williamson
They talked about miserably damp flats and stagnating at work in a job you hate, or they talked about unfulfilled love in a way no one else in the history of popular music ever had, and when they wanted to get political, boy did they get political!
posted by
on Thursday February 06 2003, @10:00AM
Xflame still burnsx writes: UK straightedge hardcore band Sworn In performed an instrumental version of 'How Soon Is Now?' as the introduction their set last night in Sheffield when supporting AFI on their UK tour. Sworn In also borrow lyrics from 'Bigmouth Strikes Again' on their song 'Pretty Girls Die Just The Same' They went on to perform a blistering hardcore version of There Is a Light That Never Goes Out to conclude their set. Their self titled MCD is available from Bridge 9 records in the US and Reflections in Europe, mp3s are available at http://www.bridge9.com/bridgenine/band-swornin.php
posted by
on Thursday February 06 2003, @10:00AM
Jose Molina sends the link to an article by writer Michael Cunningham ("The Hours") on the Philip Glass site. The Smiths are mentioned as an influence on his book "Flesh And Blood". Excerpt from the article:
Each novel I've written has developed a soundtrack of sorts; a body of music that subtly but palpably helped shape the book in question. I don't imagine most people who've read any of my books could readily see their connections to particular pieces of music, but I have long been aware that A Home at the End of the World evolved, in part, from Laurie Anderson's Big Science, Joni Mitchell's Blue, and the Mozart's Requiem; that Flesh and Blood derived from the operas of Verdi, Neil Young's After the Gold Rush, several albums by The Smiths, and Jeff Buckley's cover of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah; and The Hours from Schubert (particularly Death and the Maiden), Brian Eno's Music for Airports, Peter Gabriel's Mercy Street, and, for reasons I can't begin to explain, Radiohead's OK Computer. The one constant since I started trying to write novels, however -my only ongoing act of listening fidelity- has been the work of Philip Glass.
posted by
on Thursday February 06 2003, @10:00AM
Note to the press, this is a report of a rumor, according to this statement, Morrissey is not currently signed. benjamin writes: French n°2 daily newspaper Liberation, in today's edition (Feb. 5):
" Delicate pop singer Morrissey, after a long year of errance, has finally signed a record deal with Sanctuary Records, a label famous with tougher clients (Megadeth, ...). The information was given in the alleys of the Midem, the international Record Industry Annual Convention."
Once again the same rumor. It seems a bit strange again it comes so late in a newspaper which is so serious (probably the best French paper after LE MONDE). The information is unverified and presented as a certainty.
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