posted by davidt on Monday July 29 2002, @07:00AM
Update: 07/29 15:54 GMT: Denver, CO - Fillmore Auditorium (Aug. 30) is showing up on Ticketmaster. Tickets go on sale Aug. 3.
Scott sends the news (originally seen at

King Cheetah is opening for most of the Morrissey shows. Their website lists extra tour dates:

King Cheetah have been asked to support Morrissey on his American tour. Dates have yet to be confirmed as the tour has recently undergone re-scheduling but so far the shows look like:

August 9 - Phoenix
August 10 - Tucson
August 11 - Yuma
August 22 - Seattle
August 23 - Eugene
August 24 - Portland
August 26,27 - Salt Lake City
August 29 - Colorado Springs
August 30 - Denver
August 31 - Santa Fe
Sep 2, 3 - El Paso
Sep 5 - Santa Barbara
Sep 6, 7 - Las Vegas
Sep 9 - Santa Rosa
Sep 10 - Fresno
Sep 12 - Anaheim (Sep. 13?)
Sep 14 - Berkeley
Sep 15 - San Diego

The tour was offered after Morrissey saw the band play at The Gig in Hollywood. More details will be posted soon...

Update: 07/30 05:21 GMT: Arizona dates are fixed on their site, they have also added the Morrissey/Jaguares dates (?)
posted by davidt on Monday July 29 2002, @07:00AM
Rob Henson writes:

I found a great painting of Morrissey by one of my favourite comedians, Vic Reeves. Its not that flattering, but as a huge Moz fan I still loved it.

You can view the painting online: Vic Reeves @ (click on thumbnail for enlarged image).

Its also on display at Reeves exhibition at the Britart museum, 60-62 Commercial Street, London E1.

posted by davidt on Monday July 29 2002, @07:00AM
Grim O'Grady writes:

I went to the new Urbis Museum in Manchester yesterday, points of interest to us Smiths/Moz fans...

1. In the music booth there's a Smiths poster & it plays a snippet of "Rusholme Ruffians".
2. Just outside of the music booth is a large poster of the Salford Lads Club sign.
3. On the ground floor, etched into a glass panel are the lines "Manchester, so much to answer for".
4. In the shop they are selling copies of the book "Morrissey's Manchester".
posted by davidt on Monday July 29 2002, @07:00AM
alero writes:

Now for a little something that doesn't have to do with the tour...

I just got home from a show in downtown L.A. featuring the Ska Punk band Left Alone. Towards the beginning of their set, some fans started screaming "Panic!" and sure enough the band started playing a hardcore version of the Smiths' "Panic". I was completely amazed, I never thought that I'd ever be able to pit to a Smiths song! through some friends, I later found out that Left Alone has recorded the track so go ahead and look for it if you're interested.
posted by davidt on Monday July 29 2002, @07:00AM
dave writes:

Friday 2nd August 2002
930-2 ish
£2 before 1030 then £3
The Star & Garter
Fairfield St, Manchester, England
(opposite new Piccadilly station entrance on Fairfield St)

Full details on attached flyer

--- Note: the submitter of this item is a Morrissey-solo site sponsor, and has made a monetary contribution to help defray the costs of running this site.
posted by davidt on Monday July 29 2002, @07:00AM
"Seattle singer-songwriter Coulter announces the release of his latest album and website. Musically influenced by brit-pop, rockabilly, and early 70's glam rock, these songs should hold some appeal to the Moz-crowd (Coulter himself has been a long-time, avowed fan). The album is entitled "The End of Everything" and will be fully downloadable (for free!) on July 31st. He invites you to visit the website where the downloads (samples available now!), as well as pics, news, and links can be found."

Note: in addition to event announcements, I am now accepting announcements from bands/artists that want to reach visitors of the site. Since I like to keep posts on topic and I would not normally post these, these will be classified as ads and a fee (to go towards site costs) is required. I've had a few requests before for something similar so get in contact with me again if you are want to post something. The fee, as agreed upon as a fair price with Coulter, is slightly more than what I ask for site events, $50. I don't anticipate there being too many of these, but if you have a problem with this let me know. Personally I feel this is a good way for other artists to get some exposure and at the same time support this site.
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