posted by davidt on Monday July 08 2002, @10:05PM
icicular writes:

I just finished watching Craig Kilborn making a plea for both David Bowie and Morrissey to appear on his late night tv show at some point in the future.

Kilby said such things as "These two guys' music has meant so much to me over the years" and "I don't know if Morrissey is watching right now, he is probably lulling himself to sleep with his hauntingly melancholy voice".

He says that if Moz appears on his show, he will offer him the lead guest spot on the show, a wonderful "all cotton Late Show with Craig Kilborn t shirt"....and, if Moz accepts the offer, a "Tuesday with Morrissey" spot every week pitch.

It was all in fairly good taste, and complete with Kilby's dry frat boy humor intact.

I have enjoyed Craiggers' show quite a bit, and I like him even more now.

See you all on the tour!!!!

Big J also writes:

Anybody watch Monday night's Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn??? Well, it was interesting, considering the other day's poll question. Craig stated at the top of the show, that he wanted to get David Bowie and Morrissey on the show, two artists he says(regularly) mean a lot to him.

He says, after holding up pictures of the two(to big crowd response) Bowie's people are interested, and they have yet to contact Morrissey. He also dragged it out, saying that if the interview goes well, he'll have a regular "Tuesdays with Morrissey," segment, which was followed by a logo with this title and Moz's picture!

The ultimate goal: to have them both on the same show! (I really wish I was taping the show...)

Could this mean the wheels are in motion?? I'll say this: every time Craig says he wants to book a sought-after guest on the show, he gets them......

carlos also writes:

"Tuesdays With Morrissey"
I was flipping networks earlier tonight trying to decide whether to watch Conan O'Brien or Craig Kilborn, and my attention was suddenly captured by a lovely closeup of a Morrissey portrait on Craig's show! I'm not sure what I missed in the beginning of the segment, but Craig began to explain that both David Bowie and Morrissey have "meant a lot to (him) over the years". He also said that ideally, he'd like to have both artists appear together on the same program. Craig said that he has contacted Bowie's "people", and that they were interested. Regarding Moz, he said that he has yet to contact Morrissey's "people" because he is lazy. (!?) According to the late night host, whichever of the two artists agreed on an appearance would be the lead guest on their program. He added that if Bowie & Morrissey were on together, he would flip a coin to determine who would be the lead guest. Craig shortly thereafter retracted that notion & admitted that "of course" Bowie would be the lead guest of the two. He talked a little about Bowie, then went into a whole bit about The Man. He promised Morrissey on camera that if he were to appear, Craig would appropriately "brood", wear (lots of makeup?) and that he would not smile during the entire interview. Another thing Craig said was that if all went well with the Morrissey interview, he would begin a new weekly segment called "Tuesdays With Morrissey"! (what would that entail?!) To all who challenged whether Craig was a real fan or not in response to the recent poll about his program, I think things are rather clarified now.
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