posted by davidt on Tuesday February 26 2002, @09:00AM
skunk_anansie writes:

Just after 4pm today (Friday 22nd February 2002) I was going about my usual business of doing not much in Marks and Spencers in Altrincham. I was pushing trolleys and such like but as I was gazing around I saw the unmistakable shape of the big man. I swear to God, he was wearing a long black fur/suede coat, blue flared jeans with little white flashes on the back of the knees, black suede shoes and a green checked type Kangol beret. I double taked to make sure it was him but after staring at him for about another 5 seconds I was sure. I ran over to a colleague and she verified that it was indeed Steven. He is now sporting a set of rather fetching square ended sideburns and he was with an older woman, who I would guess to be his mother but can't guarantee that. Within 5 minutes of first seeing him I was now nearly foaming at the mouth with excitement and was telling anybody and everybody who would listen, most didn't listen... uncultured swines. But the aforementioned female colleague was now nearly crying and begging me to go and get his autograph or just do something to acknowledge that we had recognised him. I regret I did nothing, although in a way I'm glad I didn't because if he was out shopping with his mother then respect his privacy. Anyway, I was called away to do some 'Collect by cars' (the M&S shoppers amongst you will understand). I managed to catch a final glimpse of him as he was leaving up the stairs to go back to the M&S car park but with that, he was gone. I consider myself very lucky to have seen him in the flesh, although spare a thought for an aging customer who was heard saying "I didn't recognise him without his daffodils..." Well, quite.
posted by davidt on Tuesday February 26 2002, @09:00AM
Johnny C (The North, England) writes: Saturday 23rd Feb's edition of The Guardian (UK national paper) carries a nice piece, tying in with the release of the Kevin Cummins book, about The Smiths 'visual impact' - flowers, glasses, quiffs, etc.

Some of the writing I don't quite agree with but all in all it's worth a read; and you don't have to buy the paper cos although there's some great pics they're all Cummins ones (and you'll be buying the book, right?)

Text of the article is at,4273,4 360328,00.html.

Top quote is concerning Morrissey's face when singing - 'He looked like a saint having an orgasm'

Tingle also writes:
posted by davidt on Tuesday February 26 2002, @09:00AM
Mark Poulton writes:

As I'm a puppeteer and puppet maker, I always wanted to build a puppet of my idol, Morrissey.

About 10 years ago I was working some puppets in London and staying with a colleague there. We started work then on sculpting the puppet head out of plasterscene. When I arrived home, I set to work on making a latex mould and then casting the head. (As seen in the scan).

As you can see, it turned out quite well but is still not finished. When it is finished it will be either a glove or rod puppet. Whether it will ever be in a public performance or not I don't know!

posted by davidt on Tuesday February 26 2002, @09:00AM
Jonathan Ian Mathers writes:

After Morrissey's best of came out and folks on the site complained for the most part of no new music, I put together a comic on the irony of "Paint A Vulgar Picture" in reference to Morrissey's over abundance of repackaged material.

Don't take it so seriously, it's just a lil' cartoon. ^_^

4Y-Records: Collecting useless compilations since 1985
click for full comic

posted by davidt on Tuesday February 26 2002, @09:00AM
Anthony writes:

This comic strip was in the Sunday edition of the Chicago Sun Times. I thought everyone would get a kick out of it. I never thought I'd see The Smiths or even Bad Brains mentioned in a comic strip! Kinda cool. And pretty funny.

"Edge City" by Terry & Patty LaBan (Feb. 24, 2002) - 142KB
posted by davidt on Tuesday February 26 2002, @09:00AM
Vincent writes:

Great was my surprise when I just heard on Studio Brussels' Pop-News (a daily newssection on this high influential and very popular national radiostation) that Morrissey suprised his fans with a new tour. I was in shock and expected the tourdates or the countries he was gonna do but then Roos (the presenter) said 'Morrissey himself told this to two fans'. They didn't mention nor ...

Word spreads around very easy! Let's hope Moz doesn't skip Belgium on his tour.

ps: they played 'That's Entertainment' in the background.
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