posted by davidt on Friday October 19 2001, @08:00AM
Larry sends a scan of the forthcoming "Best Of" sleeve:

click for enlarged image

Larry also sends the announcement for a record release party taking place in L.A. (special giveaways are possibly in the works - stay tuned for more info):

Underground will be hosting the record release party of The Best of Morrissey. The album is due out November 6th. The event will be Friday November 2nd from 9-2.  Giveaways include posters, c.d.'s.

7237 Santa Monica Blvd.
W. Hollywood CA (between La Brea & Fairfax)
[email protected]

UPDATE (Oct. 31): Flyer from Larry
posted by davidt on Friday October 19 2001, @08:00AM
A lot of people reported this one. Elena was first to write: Tonight (17 October) on Dawson's Creek, "Girlfriend in a Coma" was played while Pacey was on a boat with a girl. Supposedly, the music was coming from their college radio station. The scene was long and most of the song was played.
Jet Pilot Playboy also writes: While watching Dawson's Creek tonight, There was a segment where a young college DJ plays a "classic Smiths ballad," "Girlfriend in a Coma." The song is played during some of the show. It's nice to see a show as young as Dawson's Creek playing something other than the bubblegum pop of the day, showing at least a little taste in the writer's pocket.
And manofslendermeans also writes: What's up with Jen and the Smiths and Moz and Girlfriend in a Coma??? She didn't want her guy, the dj, to play the "Smiths classic." She called it mope rock and made some comment about Moz (though not mentioning his name) being an ambiguously something genius (I don't remember her exact words). iI was cool they played the whole song, but at the end when the show credits the music used in the show to whatever artist is featured that week... they didn't say THE SMITHS... what's up with that?!?!?!? The show sucks but I may keep watching... they may play "How Soon Is Now?" On second thought... stop them cuz we've heard that one before!
posted by davidt on Friday October 19 2001, @08:00AM
Kyle writes:

I am writing you concerning a fist fight that Morrissey got into with Johnny Witmer of the punk band The Stitches. They met at a bar in LA and the ensuing fight took place. The Stitches are a punk band from LA, California and they have a new 12" EP that just came out on Kapow Records.
From The Stitches website:

Johnny Witmer in fist fight with Morrissey!
A picture is worth a thousand words!

Larger image from Kyle.
posted by davidt on Friday October 19 2001, @08:00AM
Link to the posting at Memepool from Rachel:

Oct. 17
Online comics come of age with Justine Shaw's Nowhere Girl, a poignant, unflinching and hauntingly beautiful story of alienation. The lushly painted artwork is stunning, something like Love and Rockets crossed with The Breakfast Club, with a soundtrack by Morrissey, The Smiths and Elastica (and titled after the B-Movie single). NG has already scored props from big-time comix pundit Scott McCloud. When's the last time a comicbook made you cry?
to Comics by cricket

Check out the full comic. Smiths references are on page 1 and page 27

Update: 02/18/02 17:47 GMT: Greg Vondruska adds the reference on page 42.
posted by davidt on Friday October 19 2001, @08:00AM
Ben Gott writes:

I just checked the Other Music website for a review of Death Cab for Cutie's newest album and found a link to a band called Low and their cover of "Last Night I Dreamt that Somebody Loved Me." The song, in RealAudio format, is available here.

The cover itself is actually pretty horrible, but it's good for a laugh. (They made it sound like mid-period Elton John meets the whiny theatrics of Soundgarden, so be warned...)
posted by davidt on Friday October 19 2001, @08:00AM
An anonymous person writes:

This is extremely trivial and I know you won't print it, but here's my submission anyway. I was listening to KROQ in Los Angeles the other day. (yes, I know how awful, but my car only has an am/fm radio) Anyway, there was an commercial for AT&T playing, that I was paying no attention to until the announcer clearly stated, "Tony the Pony." I have no idea what the context was, but I am certain he said those three words. That's all I've got.
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