posted by davidt on Saturday September 22 2001, @09:00AM
Forwarded from Marilyn, Joshua writes:

Come see the world's best Smiths cover band at SF's Kimo's this Sunday night, Sept. 23rd. Show starts at 9:00 pm, cover charge is $5. (flyer attached). Bring flowers!!!

Read what the SF Bay Guardian has to say:
posted by davidt on Saturday September 22 2001, @09:00AM
An anonymous person writes:

Electric Ink did an interview with punk band The Descendents. The following is an excerpt:

EI: Are there any old bands you used to listen to, but are embarrassed to admit to it?

Milo (singer): Oh yeah, we went through a little Smiths thing. That's like a guilty pleasure thing for me. There's a lot of guilty pleasures like Cheap Trick that I was really into. You know, In Color was another one.

Bill (drummer): Cheap Trick rules! I don't think that's a guilty pleasure. Guilty pleasure is like.......Journey.
Today's News | September 23 | September 21  >

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