posted by davidt on Monday May 21 2001, @08:15AM
Tomorrow, May 22, is Morrissey's 42nd birthday. Similar to prior years, leave your birthday messages in the comments section below if you have any and perhaps he will read them.
posted by davidt on Monday May 21 2001, @08:15AM
Many thanks to Mimi for this detailed account of the Boz show in Dublin a couple weeks ago (5 photos included):

Boz Boorer & Friends in Dublin, Ireland (May 3)
posted by davidt on Monday May 21 2001, @08:15AM
Thanks to Steve Orobec for scanning his photos (15 total) and also for doing the page layout.

The Smiths in Leicester, England (DeMontfort Hall, 1984)

Some background on the photos from Steve:

I managed to dig out some old photos I took in the old days circa 1984 while at University there. The gig was at Leicester DeMontfort Hall, England. This was the second of 3 times that I saw them, having missed their first gig at Leicester Polytechnic. I also managed to catch one of the carnations at the end!

Incidentally, the photos #5 & #10 were taken during 'Hand In Glove' with Morrissey holding the hand of some girl standing next to me in the audience. The photos were taken from left-centre of the front of stage, crash barriers weren't invented in those days and if you got to the front you had a good view and it was so much cooler.

tech details:
The photos were taken with an Olympus OM-1n on 400asa film and a 50mm f1.8 lens used in range of f1.8 to f4 at 1/30s to 1/60s. Scanned at 2700dpi and enlarged to 7x5 & 8x12 (and reduced to 100dpi). Cleaned in Photoshop.
posted by davidt on Monday May 21 2001, @08:15AM
GurgleJerk writes:

This has popped up on the sirendisc site:
Very Best Of (23 tracks), CD $23.99
Huge collection includes "Hand In Glove", "Panic", "How Soon Is Now", "Bigmouth Strikes Again", "Girlfriend In A Coma", "This Charming Man", "What Difference Does It Make" and many more. Country: UK. Release Date: 4-Jun-01
I can't find it on any UK release schedules or anywhere else but on that site. Don't hurt yourself rushing to the store...
posted by davidt on Monday May 21 2001, @08:15AM
Chiefbrody writes:

I thought this was an interesting post... interact

Subject: new song uncovered
Author: Jo slee
Message: Rumour has it that when archiving for the recent Rough Trade celebration album 2 un-released Smith's demos were uncovered. there is talk of a release in the near future once Mozzer has given the ok.
posted by davidt on Monday May 21 2001, @08:15AM
An Anonymous person writes:

I've just created and uploaded an MP3 of Suggs covering "Suedehead" on an old recording of mine, I thought it may be of interest to you guys. Note the "Our Frank" lyric.

Here is the link "Suedehead" by Suggs
posted by davidt on Monday May 21 2001, @08:15AM
Mozsab writes:

I found a Smiths mention in a very unlikely place today. It was in Kerrang! magazine, which is a UK metal mag. There was a story in there about a band called Downer, a very dark, depressing band. They had a side bar on bands that influenced the singer and among Type O Negative and Depeche Mode was a picture of the Smiths with a little blurb. I don't remember too much, just that Morrissey's lyrics were an inspiration and that Johnny Marr was an "insane guitarist". Not much, but I never expected to see the Smiths mentioned in Kerrang!

posted by davidt on Monday May 21 2001, @08:15AM
richlandrum writes:

Flashback Sacramento is having a Smiths vs. Depeche Mode night Wednesday May 30th at Sidelines on Front St. in Old Sacramento. Basically, the format is like this:
There are two large rooms separated by a bar area. In one room DJ Roger will be playing Brit Pop and 60's era Rock with The Smiths every few songs. In the other room DJ Brian Hawke will be playing more Synth/Goth/80's Alternative music with Depeche Mode every few songs...I'll probably end up dancing in the bar.

Cover Charge is $3-$5 at the door.

Go to for more information.
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