February 4- Fake Morrissey interview in "Diari de Tarragona" (Tarragona, Spain) (5)
- Boy George on Morrissey's dislike of swishing (18)
- "Irish Blood, English Heart" mention in Q (Mar.) (11)
- "The Severed Alliance" named as one of 50 Best ever music books (4)
- Boz Boorer interview in "Turnupseed" (Feb.) (1)
- Mike Joyce and Andy Rourke at Manchester charity auction (2)
- "O.K. Go" plays 'Panic' in Anaheim (4)
- "The Wrong Boy" reviewed in March issue of Uncut (6)
- Manchester UK Smiths / Morrissey night (Feb. 9) (4)
January 30 -
January 26