posted by davidt on Sunday November 26 2000, @12:00PM
Nobody's Nothing writes:

There is a small article in this week's SPIN magazine about Morrissey being close to a record deal. It says something about negotiations are close and that he already has a producer in mind: MOBY! The article only cites unnamed sources but it is some news, and some news is better than no news!

UPDATE (Nov. 27): The full article, also from Nobody's Nothing:

First of all the magazine is SPIN (the weekly one) with Eminem on the front cover! I think it is Jan 2001 or something like that.

Morrissey's first new studio album in nearly four years may finally have a home. "I'm itching to record if anybody on the planet will let me," the world's most famous unsigned artist says. "There is an intelligent audience out there waiting for something interesting to happen." (We'll have to trust him on that one.) Althought there are rumors that Ark 21 is interested, we hear it may be lowballing him (unaware, perhaps, that the Moz was greeted with Smiths-like mania on his 1999 world tour.) The star will only say, "I'm searching. And I'm open and free and available-well, not free." Word is he even has a producer in mind: MOBY. Although sources hint the celebrity meat-shunners are close to a deal, Moby insists, "I prefer to work on my own music. I'm not really a producer." At least the Mozzer has something new to be miserable about.
posted by davidt on Sunday November 26 2000, @12:00PM
sleeper writes:

The new Uncut Magazine (Nov 2000) features Morrissey's "Glamorous Glue" on their free compilation CD, Unconditionally Guaranteed 2000, and also an article on the album, Your Arsenal under "Classic Albums Re-Visited" (Pages 122-123).

The article have been transcribed by me and can be found here with two photographs:


posted by davidt on Sunday November 26 2000, @12:00PM
GurgleJerk writes:

Again, from the ever-helpful SirenDisc page of future releases (I honestly do have other sources of information. Really.) comes this:

Best Of V.1 & 2, 2CD $22.99
Includes both best of CDs in one package. Release Date: 27 Nov-00

No more is known, and there probably isn't much more to know anyway. Those who wish to comment on this are hereby barred from quoting any lines from "Paint a Vulgar Picture" in the name of mercy.
posted by davidt on Sunday November 26 2000, @12:00PM
the BIGGOOF writes:

in the DECEMBER issue of MOJO, there is a full page picture of MORRISSEY that a photographer claims was taken in 1983 "before the Smiths were famous" the article quotes. It's a nice little photo and I think Morrissey fans will enjoy it. Go there and pick one up for yourselves.
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