posted by davidt on Tuesday November 14 2000, @10:15AM
Mozsab writes:

In Friday's Orange County Register (California) there was a review of "Oye Esteban" by Ben Wener, the Register's music critic. Here it is:
Morrissey, "¡Oye Esteban!" (Warner Reprise, $24.98 for DVD, $19.98 for video) - Funny how the beautiful moper who used to bemoan the notion of music videos when he fronted the Smiths has made so many of them on his own - and so many featuring him mugging at the camera. How much you'll get out of this depends on how much you appreciate crooning asexual icons done up like glam James Deans. The 19 songs are excellent across the board; the videos get a bit repetitious. Swoon away, fans - it's been hard to see most of these. Some of us, though, may listen with the TV off.
posted by davidt on Tuesday November 14 2000, @10:15AM
Roy S. Keane writes:

In the online version of the German magazine "Der Spiegel" there is a review on Carol Morley's movie "The Alcohol Years" featuring her teenage years in Manchester in the 1980s. Naturally, such a topic cannot be discussed without mentioning the "Hacienda", "Madchester" and of course - The Smiths. Their mention is rather short and can be translated as follows:
""The Alcohol Years" shows the depressing atmosphere of a lost generation in a forgotten city, in which, contrary to today, there was no "cappuccino or loft-lifting". Rather, there was still the impression of the suicide of Joy Division vocalist Ian Curtis in the air. The Smiths - a band cherished by all secondary school boys of the world for there endless melancholy - worked on their first albums under the looming shadow of Margaret Thatcher."
Secondary school boys of the world, unite!
posted by davidt on Tuesday November 14 2000, @10:15AM
giant writes:

This is, to say the least, a remote "Morrissey reference" however, I found the movie set in the North of England and its lead character, Billy Elliot, "a small shy boy" who is breaking all the traditions of his coal mining town, because he desperately wants to learn Ballet, to be so similar at least in a romantic sense, to Morrissey's story, that I was compelled to write. Also, as the movie opens, Cosmic Dancer is played as the jubliant boy is leaping on a trampoline. The whole story is very Poetic and liberating, I found it extremely pleasing to look at and would bet Moz himself might also find the movie to be very good.

Since things are kind of slow around here, does anyone else have any other movie recommendations?
posted by davidt on Tuesday November 14 2000, @10:15AM
Tony Christopher writes:

Morrissey/Smiths Night
Friday, November 24, 2000

Hosted by Tony
UPSTAIRS at Delilah's
2771 North Lincoln Avenue
Chicago, Illinois
9PM to 2AM
21 + $3 cover

e-mail at [email protected]
Here is the flyer.
posted by davidt on Tuesday November 14 2000, @10:15AM
guv writes:

Just thought you'd like to know there's a Morrissey And Smiths club night at Manchester Star and Garter in December. All details are at Ananova, but as they update their listings each week, and more than likely it's location will change, they are as follows:
Morrissey & Smiths Night at The Star & Garter

The Star And Garter, Manchester
18-20 Fairfield Street
M1 2QF

Telephone: 0161 273 6726
Times: Dec 8, 10pm-2am
Dates: Fri 08 Dec, 2000 - Fri 08 Dec, 2000
Prices: £3, £2 before 10.30pm

"Tribute to the 1980s high priest of maudlin wit - don't forget your gladioli."
posted by davidt on Tuesday November 14 2000, @10:15AM
Audrey Witherspoon writes:

Has anybody out there come across a band called Glamorous Hooligan. I heard a session of theirs on Mary Anne Hobbs' Radio One show a couple of years back, and all they talked about were how much they were influenced by The Smiths.

My research turned up two albums. One called 'Wasted Youth Club Classics' on a small label called Delancey St and the other 'Naked City Soundtracks' on Warner Bros. They had a twelve inch e.p. called 'Research & Destroy' that had a memorable picture of Micheal Fagin on the back.

Glamorous Hooligan seem to have vanished into thin air. Anybody got any links or clues or Smiths related trivia regarding them?
posted by davidt on Tuesday November 14 2000, @10:15AM
Sheriden Whiteside writes:

I stumbled across this, it's quite funny, it takes a little time to load the page though. Find it at . . .


It still says 'please wait for this page to be fully loaded' after a couple of minutes -- is something supposed to happen?
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