posted by davidt on Thursday October 12 2000, @08:00AM
I haven't received any official announcement regarding the NY in-stores but it is definitely happening. Someone named 'Virgin Marketing' posted this in the comments section of a previous article and it seems accurate:
From Virgin Megastore
Come by the Virgin Megastore Union Square (14th & Broadway) TUESDAY OCTOBER 17TH, starting at 9:00am, to purchase your copy of the new Morrissey DVD "Oye Esteban". With the purchase, you will receive your V.I.P. pass for an EXCLUSIVE signing with Morrissey on FRIDAY OCTOBER 20TH AT 5:00PM. Pass quantities are limited. Passes are limited to one per customer!! Morrissey will ONLY sign copies of the new DVD. No pictures with Morrissey will be allowed (sorry). Thank you and we look forward to seeing all of you on the 20th!
As a reminder for those in Los Angeles, wristbands for the Virgin Megastore Sunset Morrissey midnight signing on Oct. 16 will be distributed tomorrow morning (Friday) with the DVD pre-purchase.
posted by davidt on Thursday October 12 2000, @08:00AM
jon writes: Granada television has been running a series called 'Cover Stories' about sleeve design and North West bands eg 10cc, Buzzcocks, Joy Division etc. The programme features contributions from artists such as Malcolm Garrett, Peter Saville, and Linder Sterling, and also interested parties such as John Savage, Tony Wilson, Paul Morley,Mark E Smith, and others.

This week (w/b 9/10) was the turn of The Smiths with comment from Linder, Richard Boon (former Buzzcocks manager), Dave Haslam (Manchester author and DJ), Paul Morley, and Mike Joyce and a Smiths fan.

Interestingly there was an onscreen credit for Morrissey for some of the artwork eg 'Hand In Glove' and the Charlie Bubbles 'How Soon Is Now'. This was the third programme and there have been no previous credits so I wonder if it was at Morrissey's insistence.

No revelations in the programme - someone (possibly Morley) said that the artwork was Morrissey's bedroom walls made public which is cool.

* * *

Phill 'scooby doo' also writes: Monday 9th October, Manchester's Granada TV serving the North West of England showed a 30 minute programme 'Cover stories' featuring covers of records from The Smiths and Frankie Goes To Hollywood. Interviews with Mike Joyce, Jo Slee, Paul Morley (music journalist) and a Morrissey looking Smiths fan. Joyce revealed his mother's disapproval of the naked man on 'Hand In Glove' and was therefore quietly pleased that only half of the picture made it on to the cover of the first album after being shocked when shown the full picture. It was suggested by someone else interviewed that Morrissey was saying 'I am gay' by choosing these pictures!!
posted by davidt on Thursday October 12 2000, @08:00AM
RC writes:

I was at the Billy Bragg concert at the Danforth Music Hall in Toronto Canada on October the 8th and at the concert Billy prewiewed a few new songs. One of them, a particularly catchy and funny song called "Half-English" (I believe) starts with the lines "From Morris dancing to Morrissey, England La La something something..." So it was quite amusing.

Anyway, it's a great song and should become quite popular among this set.
posted by davidt on Thursday October 12 2000, @08:00AM
Lancaster writes:

There'll be a Smiths/Morrissey night in Barcelona on Saturday, Oct. 14.
The Place: Fantástico Bipp, Passatge Escudellers, 3 (at the end of the Ramblas, near the port)
The Time: 22.30, closing time 03.30
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