posted by
on Friday September 22 2000, @09:00AM
Scan from Stefan Krix. Update (Sept. 23): As noted in the comments below, the photo is by Anton Corbijn from a session in 1994 (other photos from the shoot appeared in this April 1994 Details interview, archived in The Arcane Old Wardrobe). Also as noted in the comments, the scan is taken from Amazon's site.
posted by
on Friday September 22 2000, @09:00AM
Sept. 12, 1987 - Smiths break up day (?)Bertrand writes: I found this in "Today in History, Birthdays, Music, & Stuff, September 12, 2000" at SPIN.com. And while I think it's factually wrong, I like the last line.
1987 - Hmm… This joke is not funny anymore, it's too close to home and too near the bone. How do I write about one of the saddest days in mope rock history? It's hard to put such things into words, but I'll try my best to do so. Morrissey, asexual lead singer of the Smiths, leaves the group. He goes solo. Johnny Marr, the amazing guitarist, goes onwards, and the other guys got screwed out of a shite load of royalties. Fun Fact: Any situation can be perfectly described by a line from a Smiths song.
Mark Simpson book delayed again
Véronique writes: ST MORRISSEY by Mark Simpson has had its pub date put back to early 2001 by Little, Brown. Source: www.marksimpson.com
Who's the Sexiest Vegetarian Alive?
half-a-person writes: Who's the Sexiest vegetarian alive? That's what PETA (People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals) is asking. Their choices include: Chrissie Hynde, Moby, Pamela Anderson, Paul McCartney, Drew Barrymore, and of course Morrissey. You can cast your vote here.
Salford Revisited
Link from Lancaster via the "Maladjusted" mailing list:
Echoes of the past: Salford Revisited - BBC Online, Sept. 22, 2000.
posted by
on Friday September 22 2000, @09:00AM
shelby writes: I'm a big fan of the show "Daria" from MTV. It's about the life of a cynical female teenager and the challenges she faces. Her best friend's brother is in a band called "Mystik Spiral"... long story short, Mystik Spiral now has their own homepage on the MTV Daria site. They cite Morrissey as one of their major influences... misspelled (they dropped a "r"), granted, but a mention is a mention. I always thought their music was more angsty/early nineties garage rock than Morrissey, but whatever. Check out Mystik Spiral and download some of their music at the link above.
posted by
on Friday September 22 2000, @09:00AM
Susheel Daswani writes: This may be old, but I've recently REALLY gotten into Radiohead (Kid A sounds awesome). Looking over some articles, I find that Radiohead's longtime producer, Nigel Godrich, has been influenced by the Smiths/Moz:
Q16: Does your job require psychological talents? A16: ... The psychological aspect is more important to my work than the technical one. I do everything to gain the bands' trust. Even if I have to play Scrabble with them all night long. Likewise, I don't hesitate showing them my own vulnerability. They realize I'm as doubtful as they are, as involved. Because I can't do this as if it was only some other job. I grew up with records that left a mark on me. I will not neglect a little piece of plastic that could have so much significance. If money was my only motive, I'd already produced three of the main american bands- who already contacted me. But I can't forget the effect on me, 15, that had an album such as The Smiths' The Queen Is Dead. I want to work on records able to wave such emotions.
Q20: Do you dream of producing specific artists?
A20: No, I really don't see what I could do for the ones I admired during my youth, like Sting, Pink Floyd or Morrissey. All I can hope for is that new bands like these emerge. I should wake up and check. Maybe they already exist [laughter]...
Check out the whole interview here.
posted by
on Friday September 22 2000, @09:00AM
jasper writes: I was browsing through a book dedicated to Tupac Shakur, when I stumbled upon the writer comparing some of the lyrics to "National Front Disco", to some of the lyrics to a Tupac song. The writer then also compared the "black experience" to the poverty that Morrissey suggests,I found this strange since I wonder if the dedicated readers would know who Morrissey is! The book is called "Rebel for the Hell of It", by Armond White. People may want to check this out.
Related link: Mention in Armond White book (1995) - Sept. 1, 1999
posted by
on Friday September 22 2000, @09:00AM
Rox-e writes: THERE WILL BE ANOTHER SMITHS/MORRISSEY NIGHT SEPT. 24TH. This will take place at:
CLUB LONDON @ Vertigos
801 W. Temple St. Downtown L.A
Info...213 486 4300
18 and Over
Also, according to Kathy: "...Get in for free before 10:30 if you show something that says Morrissey or Smiths."
Today's News | September 25 | September 23