posted by davidt on Saturday September 16 2000, @08:30AM
Anonymous person writes: Morrissey appeared at PETA's 20th anniversary celebration party in Los Angeles on Sept. 13. He could be seen on the stage with Chrissie Hynde, licking the vegan icing from his fingers, in very brief clips on Entertainment Tonight on Thursday, Sept. 14.

Another anonymous person writes: So there I was watching Access Hollywood ...because i have no life ...and I was watching how last night, 9/13/00, there was a PETA bash at the Viper Room with lame people like Pam Anderson et al. and there was a camera glimpse of Moz there. He was so damn handsome. I know I saw him on tv for just a sec.
posted by davidt on Saturday September 16 2000, @08:30AM
Stephen writes:

I don't think I've seen this here before, so I thought I'd let you know of a compilation called "Isn't She Still..." which covers the "Pretty in Pink" soundtrack. L.A.'s The Autumns, who have been working with the Cocteau Twins' Simon Raymonde, cover "Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want" Slog Records is selling it on their website and Amazon & others also have it at a very reasonable price. I haven't heard it yet, but there are some mpegs available.

Related link: The Autumns - Morrissey influenced (Nov. 29, 1999)

* * *
Also, I just received this email from Simon Raymonde a week or so ago regarding the above related link:
interesting that I managed to somehow make it on to morrisey's solo site, as he has publicly stated on several occasions that he completely loathed the cocteau twins and everything that we stood for. i was also midly irritated by his rather unecessary comments about us...we hardly courted much publicity or were much of a target but he was pretty vitriolic!! i had liked his music on and off up until that point, but then unsurprisingly lost total interest!

kind regards
to you all

simon raymonde
Bella Union Records/Cocteau Twins
posted by davidt on Saturday September 16 2000, @08:30AM
Scott writes:

Ben Lee opened for Guster in Syracuse on Monday, September 4th. He opened the set with "Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want".

I know it's not huge news, and not everyone will care, but Ben Lee is darn good, so maybe someone will want to know. You can see more about him at
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