An undated letter Moz sent to Bomp in the seventies
posted by davidt on Wednesday January 19 2005, @09:00AM

Ned writes:

At least so I guess -- I have a friend who worked at Bomp for many years and discovered this shortly after the label boss Greg Shaw passed away in October and they were going through the archives... I can only assume it was sent sometime in the seventies but perhaps it was early eighties, though the address on the letter could help in clearing that up.

As you can see, it's brief and about David Johansen of the New York Dolls -- and it has one hell of a PS!

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    An undated letter Moz sent to Bomp in the seventies | Log in/Create an Account | Top | 50 comments | Search Discussion
    The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way.
    Graphologist sof the world unite (Score:1)

    Old Moz carefully has a carefully styled written form which is fascinating. A complete absence of upper case, which I quite like.

    Also this is the first time I've seen Moz attempt 'joined up' handwriting. I have to say, I prefer his more recent 5 year olds scrawl.
    Auric Goldfinger -- Wednesday January 19 2005, @09:11AM (#147635)
    (User #3416 Info)
    Do my eyes deceive me, or is Senna's Lotus sounding rough?
      we remember Morrissey (Score:1)
      his words have ALWAYS been aware of their own importance
      astol -- Wednesday January 19 2005, @09:11AM (#147636)
      (User #7611 Info)
      there's more to life than books you know but not much more
        Re:we remember Morrissey (Score:2, Insightful)
        The Importance of Being Aware!
        Number 6 -- Wednesday January 19 2005, @02:57PM (#147691)
        (User #11792 Info)
        Be seeing you.
        [ Parent ]
        Heh! (Score:1, Funny)
        I love the opening line:

        'dear 'bomp' people,'

        It's so disparaging!
        Poppycocteau <[email protected]> -- Wednesday January 19 2005, @09:32AM (#147642)
        (User #9489 Info)
        We are ugly but we have the music
          You know Poppy... (Score:0)
          ...I find the ending of the letter much more Stevie M like: "Your's in poverty and rock'n'roll".

          It causes a strong sense of deja vu, but I got no idea why.

          As for the date, it seems like it was written either around the time the dolls split up, or one of their numerous dead-band-member incidents occured.
          Marlowe -- Wednesday January 19 2005, @09:42AM (#147643)
          (User #13503 Info)
          "The bubbles in her champagne glass were rising like false hopes"
          This few words (Score:0)
          are far better than all the signing stuff you could have...
          Anonymous -- Wednesday January 19 2005, @10:05AM (#147647)
            Anyone else wonder? (Score:0)
            How much that letter would grab on ebay?
            Anonymous -- Wednesday January 19 2005, @10:08AM (#147649)
              wow! (Score:1)
              as a collector of moz rarities my mouth is watering! if this can be authenticated it should fetch a pretty penny. please sell it!
              VIVAMOZ <[email protected]> -- Wednesday January 19 2005, @10:17AM (#147650)
              (User #184 Info | )
              there are two types of people on this earth.... unfortunately, i've forgotten what they are
              • Re:wow! by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday January 19 2005, @10:45AM
                • Re:wow! by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday January 19 2005, @05:06PM
                  • Re:wow! by michaelkvance (Score:1) Wednesday January 19 2005, @06:41PM
                    • Re:wow! by dallow_bg (Score:1) Wednesday January 19 2005, @11:50PM
                      • Re:wow! by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday January 20 2005, @06:03AM
                      ph or v (Score:1)
                      Am I missing something or since when did Moz spell his first name with a v? I always thought it was ph.
                      Cazza -- Wednesday January 19 2005, @11:08AM (#147659)
                      (User #8712 Info)
                      God give me patience, just no more conversation
                      • Re:ph or v by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday January 19 2005, @12:44PM
                        • Re:ph or v by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday January 20 2005, @10:11AM
                          • Re:ph or v by Cazza (Score:1) Wednesday January 19 2005, @11:30AM
                            • Re:ph or v by mick ransommich (Score:1) Wednesday January 19 2005, @02:32PM
                            • Re:ph or v by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday January 19 2005, @01:30PM
                              • Re:ph or v by kissmyshades (Score:1) Thursday January 20 2005, @05:34AM
                                • Re:ph or v by Cazza (Score:1) Thursday January 20 2005, @07:39AM
                                  • Re:ph or v by kissmyshades (Score:1) Thursday January 20 2005, @09:06AM
                                    • Re:ph or v by Cazza (Score:1) Friday January 21 2005, @03:58AM
                                • Re:ph or v by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday January 20 2005, @05:45PM
                                  • Re:ph or v by kissmyshades (Score:1) Friday January 21 2005, @08:34AM
                                    • Re:ph or v by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday January 22 2005, @06:42PM
                                    • 1 reply beneath your current threshold.
                                    mozzer was a troll (Score:1, Funny)
                                    i mean really if he posted the same message on this message board people would comment him down... what a whiner i mean who REALLY takes the time to write a dumb letter like that? oh wait i geuss im not much better... awkward silence
                                    Anonymous -- Wednesday January 19 2005, @10:35PM (#147723)
                                      Attention nerds: (Score:2, Interesting)
                                      The following link pinpoints with US military accuracy the exact location 'Steven Morrissey' was writing from:

                                      Auric Goldfinger -- Thursday January 20 2005, @01:13AM (#147733)
                                      (User #3416 Info)
                                      Do my eyes deceive me, or is Senna's Lotus sounding rough?
                                      A blurred copy (Score:2, Funny)
                                      Does the letter state: David Johansen 'means more' to England than John Lennon? I can't really make it out. Feeble and embarrassing adolescent nonsense (in poverty and rock'n'roll - oh dear, oh dear), as well as being complete rubbish as well. I saw the NYD at the Move festival in Manchester and everyone there(with the exception of one bloke who seemed to appreciate them) seemed to be laughing at them (although there was not quite as much laughter as when James Maker was on). The man standing next to me summed it up by saying, "The things he makes us listen to". Sub Rolling Stones meets Spinal Tap - The New York Dolls (like, man, phew, yeah, Rock'n'roll, I wich I was Mick).
                                      kissmyshades -- Thursday January 20 2005, @05:48AM (#147748)
                                      (User #12542 Info)
                                      Just this: (Score:1)
                                      Perhaps the link has been made already. I imagine that Morrissey was at the time of writing still president of the New York Dolls fan club. Perhaps Bomp had just printed an article about Lennon (too obvious?).
                                      Tingle -- Thursday January 20 2005, @09:53AM (#147772)
                                      (User #5731 Info)
                                        Wow! (Score:1)
                                        Haha, thanks so much for that, what an amazing find! I love reading Moz's letters, he's just so witty. The letters to his penpal make for such great reading, one of my favourite parts is: "And as for your being an only child, well, don't you know that all such people eventually become bisexual psychopaths?"

                                        fishnet_monkey -- Thursday January 20 2005, @10:41AM (#147776)
                                        (User #12209 Info | )
                                        "But we cannot cling to the old dreams anymore, no, we cannot cling to those dreams..."
                                        • Re:Wow! by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday January 20 2005, @05:16PM
                                          • Re:Wow! by Sharron Needles (Score:1) Thursday January 20 2005, @08:42PM
                                          had someone not said that it had read "bomp" (Score:2, Funny)
                                          I would have thought the salutation had read "dear bleep people"...

                                          would have guessed the whole "let's leave out capital letters!" movement was begun after the advent of email, but guess I was mistaken.

                                          have to agree with kissmyshades on the adolescent rubbish comment.
                                          mozandeffect -- Friday January 21 2005, @07:04AM (#147847)
                                          (User #13082 Info)
                                 evil something you ARE, or something you DO?
                                            He's the real deal (Score:2, Insightful)
                                            I suppose this letter, along with other artifacts, does further prove that the pre-fame Moz was a hopeless and addicted music fan.

                                            In 1999, did any of us write to Island records in a similar state of panic and outrage?
                                            Stan <[email protected]> -- Friday January 21 2005, @08:38PM (#147964)
                                            (User #9752 Info | )

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